Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The leash on lease.

Lyndie England had a little lamb in a pram
Found it to tame for fame
Conscripted voluntarily to Iraq for infantry
She found it nothing like her mother’s pantry
For in seeking the US dream with England’s cream
She made the world scream.

Abu Guraib led us to the leash on a lease
Bush holding the leash for ‘England’ to use it with ease.
In frenzy the world cried HORROR!
And Lyndie made a such a furore!
When she cried foul on the heath hoping for some care
The Pentagon went ‘Macbeth’ frenzy crying ‘Fair is foul and foul is fair’

Iraq went sinister
Oh! So much of blister
A head in the bag
Got the world to sag
Abu Guraib still a shame
Its all a game that went lame in the name of fame.

Lyndie is pregnant
It was heaven sent
Then there was little Lyndie in England
Looking for mama’s memoirs in the desert sand
Only to find her mama the smoking gun
Revolting her mama in the desert sun
She screams to release
Then she knows she is on her mother’s leash
USA had her on lease for she carried her mother’s genes
And that’s how USA continues to be mean.

Are you on lease on the USA’s leash?
Lyndie was and she did as she pleased.
So please don’t be found deceased
On the USA’s geo-political leash
Allah will not be pleased.


1 comment:

Mohamed Karolia said...

As Salaam Wa Alaikum

LOved this line

"The Pentagon went ‘Macbeth’ frenzy crying ‘Fair is foul and foul is fair’"

Mohamed (Former JMS Headboy)